A downloadable game for Windows


On Feb 1st 2021, Myanmar military has seized power after detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratically elected leaders. People have performed non violent forms of protests nationwide.
    Military regime responds the people with internet shut-downs, media black-out, arresting protesters and civil disobedience activists during curfews, spread of misinformation, releasing hard-core prisoners to start riots and KILLING A PEACEFUL STUDENT PROTESTOR GIRL WITH LIVE AMMUNITIONS!!!  

**Human-rights are violated and people are not safe anymore in Myanmar.**



      In Myanmar tradition, pot banging is an activity to drive away evil spirits. After the military coup, people use this tradition as a form of protest against military regime and alarm the neighbors about military's MIDNIGHT KIDNAPS and chaos made by thugs released by military.

Currently, police and military can't be trusted and Myanmar citizens have to protect each other from false military government by guarding their neighborhood. To describe, Myanmar is now EXACTLY looks like "The Purge" movies.

Us, a team of junior game devs from Myanmar secretly made this game to get global awareness as much as we can. We need foreign helps to stop this evil dictatorship. Please help us reach the world.


At nights, evil wolves ambush and capture helpless sheep. 

Player play as a sheep protecting his flock. By banging pots, player has to scare the wolves away from the flock. 

Banging pots near other sheep to increase their morality. They will start banging pots when their morality if filled.

Banging pots near wolves to reduce their courage and knock them back. Wolves will flee away when they lost their courage. It also make them drop the sheep if they've already captured one.

Survive as long as you can as number of wolves increase as nights gone.

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)


Pot Banger.rar 31 MB


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Wow!!! The game is good, and the message you want to give is also very clear and i liked that very much!!! 

Thanks for spreading awareness, I didnt knew about this before!!! I played the game and dont know why the game just restarted midway at wave 5 (i guess), IDK why!!! 

Also, tip that will improve the gameplay - make some mechanics so that we can a bit control where are sheeps are going. Since we have to stay grouped the sheeps just randomly move here and there and there is no way to control them. Since u finished the game in less than a day, I wont complain about no powerups ^_^

And i loved the way you incorporated your tradition of repelling the evil spirits into a game!!! <3    

Overall, Great Job :D


It's very uplifting for us to hear from a player during these hard times.

We believe your idea of controlling the sheep is really great and we will try to add that for sure.We will also try to implement more mechanics in further releases.

Again, thanks for playing our game and listening to us.